Letters from Sun Yat Sen, 1910-1921

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Cantlie, Sir James, F.R.C.S. (1851-1926)
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Contains: 86 images

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Letters from Sun Yat Sen, 1910-1921. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Photocopies of Sun Yat Sen's letters to Dr and Mrs Cantlie.

Written from Penang, (1910); on board SS Korea from San Francisco to Honolulu (1910); Tokyo (1915-1916); Shanghai (1918-c.1920); Canton (1921).

Mainly related to Chinese political matters including the revolution in China and the new Republic; the War in Europe and the cost in lives (Sen condemns the bloodshed); policies of Yuan Shi Kai; England's policy towards China; current social and economic conditions in China; his book The International Development of China (1921), dedicated to James and Mrs Cantlie, and his attempts to have it published in England and America and have Lord Curzon write the introduction; child slavery in Hong Kong.

Letters also cover Sun Yat Sen's personal life, his family, schooling for his children and his second marriage.

Manuscript and typescript letters, dated 22 Mar 1910-12 Aug 1921.



Physical description

1 file. 40ff. (13 letters. One letter, f.8, is incomplete. One letter, ff.23-28, is from Rosamund, Sen's wife).

Related material

Select images of this work were taken by the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum: WT/D/1/20/1/103/88 and WT/D/1/20/1/103/89

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from Richard Aspin and Christopher Hilton's typescript supplement to S.A.J Moorat's Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

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