Rochon, Alexis Marie (1741-1817), astronomer, navigator and traveller
- Date:
- 1801-1805
- Reference:
- MS.7548/9-12
- Part of:
- Miscellaneous: French, 19th-20th centuries
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
1 autograph letter, signed, 1805 (no.9); 1 autograph note containing rough drafts of 2 letters, n.d. (no.10); manuscript draft notice announcing the establishment of a nautical observatory, of which Rochon was the first director, n.d. (no.11); certificate, printed with manuscript insertions and the signatures of Rochon and others, concerning pension payments, 1801 (no.12).
Physical description
4 items
Finding aids
Database description transcribed from Richard Aspin and Christopher Hilton's typescript supplement to S.A.J Moorat's Catalogue of Western Manuscripts