Tina Keller: Autobiography
- Date:
- 1970s-1981
- Reference:
- PP/TKR/1
- Part of:
- Tina Keller
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Tina Keller wrote her autobiography fairly late in life. It consists of 12 chapters, which sometimes exist in more than one version:
I Childhood and Family
II Going to Analytical Psychology
III Going deeper into Analytical Psychology
IV The Opposites
V An Experience as an Impass [sic] of Onesidedness
VI We come to live in Geneva
VII Including the Body
VIII Meeting Mary
IX Crisis and Separation
X California
XI Stepping beyond Psychology
XII A new Orientation
Other autobiographical material, accounts of her analysis with Jung, can be found elsewhere in this collection
Physical description
2 files