1. 'As to Birth Control'. Anonymous leaflet.
2. 'Birth Control International Information Centree (Birth Control International Information Centre (BCIIC)). List of pamphlets and clinics.
3. 'A Well-Planned Maternity Scheme'. Press cutting.
4. 'Community of Knowledge' Birth Control International Information Centree (Birth Control International Information Centre (BCIIC)) pre-election leaflet.
5. 'Progressive or Moderate' Malthusian League leaflet, 1907.
6A 'Family Limitation' by Margaret Sanger (2 copies), 1920.
6B 'Family Limitation'. Revised edition as a 'Handbook for Working Mothers', with a foreword by Leonora Eyles, 1924.
7. Marie Stopes and Mr J H and Mrs G S Guy. Correspondence, with final comment by Edith How-Martyn 1927-1929.
8. Birth Control News Press cutting Dec 1929 Resolution from Sheffield to Minister of Health 'Breeding from Wrong Stock' Advertisement for Mothers Clinic (Society for Constructive Birth Control) MISSING], 1929.
9. News cuttings of articles for and against birth control, Jul-Aug 1929.
10. Mrs Eva Hubback to Mrs Gerda Guy. Letter re public meeting in support of the Giving of Information on Birth Control by Public Health Authorities, 26 Sept 1930.
11. Dr P Dearmer, Canon of Westminster. Letter and corrected typescript of sermon below 8 Feb 1932(.12) MISSING.
12. A sermon preached in Westminster Abbey on Population, Eugenics and Birth Control' by Dr Percy Dearmer, Canon of Westminster, Jan 1932.
13A-B 'The Roman Catholic Church and Birth Control' by Edith How-Martyn of Birth Control International Information Centree (Birth Control International Information Centre (BCIIC)) quoting Dr Dearmer's sermon and evidence before National Birth-Rate Commission, c.1930s.
14A-B Lord Buckmaster. Presscuttings re letter to Sunday Times, on need for birth control, Dec 1931-Jan 1932.
14C-D 'Too Many Children: Vital Problem of Modern Life' by Lord Buckmaster. Reprints and copy of original cutting, Dec 1931.
15. A 'Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement' (typescript). .B Souvenir of a Dinner, 31 Oct. .C Newsletter and letter to Mrs Gerda Guy. .D Statement before her birth control campaign, 1935.
16. Mrs Phyllis Bowen to Mrs Margaret Pyke. Letter re South Wales, Monmouth and Hereford Federation Meeting and BBC Any Questions, Nov 1955 - MISSING.
17. Four articles on Population by George Mulgrue, Colin Clark, Honor Croome, David Glass, in The Listener, an-ul 1953.
18A 'Birth Control in Britain Part I and II' 1961.
18B Griselda Rowntree and Rachel M Pierce. Reprints from Population Studies. c.1961.
19. 'Advisory Clinics for Unmarried' Newsclipping, 1964.
20. Letter and excerpt from 1927/28 Eugenics Society Annual report re Birth Control Conferences, sent to Mrs Pyke by Faith Schenk. Also ms note by Mrs Pyke for John Peel, Oct 1965.