Autograph letters and notes by Darwin

Part of:
Darwin, Charles (1809-1882), naturalist and physiologist, author of theory of evolution
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Correspondents include the geologist Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875) (no. 30). Letters are signed except no. 9, which is an unsigned compliments slip in Darwin's hand. Nos. 3-6 and 8 carry no date but have been placed in the chronological position assigned them by the editors of Darwin's correspondence. No. 15 is accompanied by a portrait print of Darwin; no. 31 is mounted on a sheet of card backed by a letter dated 1875 to Sir W. Boyd Dawkins F.R.S. (1837-1929).



Physical description

32 items

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from Richard Aspin and Christopher Hilton's typescript supplement to S.A.J Moorat's Catalogue of Western Manuscripts.

Location of duplicates

Wellcome Images has copy of MS.7781/16 - L0051989-90

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