A round smiling face in green overpainted with figures, faces, arrows and numbers in blue, purple, yellow and red

  • Meredith, David Thomas, active approximately 1975-1989
13 January 1976
Part of:
Papers of Edward Adamson (1911-1996)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced January 2025: A face overpainted with symbols. Watercolour by David Thomas Meredith, 1976;


Inscription is painted by the creator on the front. Date of creation is inscribed on the reverse, probably by Edward Adamson.


13 January 1976

Physical description

1 painting watercolour on paper


Prior to Wellcome Collection, this work was stored in a folder on 1st floor, Reay House, Lambeth Hospital.


This work is untitled; the title has been supplied by the cataloguer for identification purposes.
This work is attributed to the creator; it was stored with other identified works.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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