The elaborately dressed rake holds a purse as a man presents him with an invoice; a lace-seller, a fencing master, a violin player, a cocker and a jockey represent the services and pursuits he is engaged in. Engraving by Thomas Bowles, 1735.

  • Bowles, Thomas, II, active 1712-1767.
Part of:
The progress of a rake, exemplified in the adventures of Ramble Gripe Esqr son of Sr Positive Gripe
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About this work


Standing next to the rake is his "favourite miss". On the walls are three paintings: a horse race, Hogarth's Midnight Modern Conversation and a scene of a cockfight. A mask lies discarded on the floor


[London] ([no 13 in Cornhill]) : [printed for John Bowles], [1735]

Physical description

1 print : engraving, with etching ; image 23 x 30.9 cm.


His expensive levee. There are verses beneath the print and a paper on the ground is inscribed "a ball"

References note

R. Paulson, Hogarth's graphic works, London 1989, 3rd edition, related to 133
D. Kunzle, "Plagiaries-by-memory of the Rake's Progress and the genesis of Hogarth's second picture story", Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 29, 1966, plate 55b


Wellcome Collection 38339i



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