Morris, William, 1834-1896
By this person (218)
About this person (11)
- Books
Plant studies for artists, designers, and art students / by George Charles Haité.
Haité, George Charles.Date: 1886- Books
Antiquitates Celto-Normannicae, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, abridged by Camden, and now first published complete, from the orginal ms. in the British musæum; with an English translation, and notes. To which are added extracts from the Annals of Ulster, and Sir J. Ware's Antiquities of Ireland: British topography by Ptolemy, Richard of Cirencester, the Geographer of Ravenna, and Andrew Bishop of Cathness: together with accurate catalogues of the Pictish and Scottish kings / By the Rev. James Johnstone. [In Latin and English].
Johnstone, James, -1798.Date: 1786- Books
A compendious history of the Goths, Swedes, and Vandals, and other northern nations / Written by Olaus Magnus.
Olaus, Magnus, Archbishop of Uppsala, 1490-1557.Date: 1658- Books
- Online
Comoediae / [Terence].
Terence.Date: 11 Feb. 1499- Books
Íslenzkir Annálar, sive annales Islandici, ab anno Christi 803 ad annum 1430 / Ex Legati Arnæ-Magnæani et Magnæ bibliothecæ regiæ hafniensis melioris notæ codicibus membranaceis et chartaceis, cum interpretatione latina, variis lectionibus, prolegomenis, nec non indice personarum, locorum & rerum. [In Icelandic and Latin].
Date: 1847