Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728
By this person (17)
About this person (3)
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The history of physick, or, an account of the rise and progress of the art, and the several discoveries therein from age to age. With remarks on the lives of the most eminent physicians / Written originally in French by Daniel Le Clerc, M.D. and made English by Dr. Drake, and Dr. Baden. With additional notes and sculptures. [Part 1].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1699- Books
Bibliotheca anatomica sive recens in anatomia inventorum thesaurus locupletissimus, in quo integra atque absolutissima totius corporis humani descriptio, ejusdemque oeconomia e praestantissimorum quorumque anatomicorum tractatibus singularibus ... exhibetur. Adjecta est partium omnium administratio anatomica. Cum variis earundem praeparationibus caruosissimus / Digesserunt, tractatus suppleverunt, argumenta ... addiderunt Daniel Clericus & J. Jacob. Mangetus.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1699- Books
- Online
Historia naturalis et medica latorum lumbricorum, intra hominem et alia animalia, nascentium ... Acc. ... de ceteris quoque hominum vermibus ... disquisitio / [Daniel Le Clerc].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1715- Books
The history of physic, or, an account of the rise and progress of the art, and the several discoveries therein from age to age. With remarks on the lives of the most eminent physicians / Written originally in French by Daniel Le Clerc, and made English by Dr. Drake, and Dr. Baden. With additional notes and sculptures.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1699- Books
Histoire de la medecine ou l'on void l'origine & le progrès de cet art / ... Par D[aniel] L[e] C[lerc] D.M. [Première partie].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1696