Hunter, William, 1718-1783
By this person (84)
About this person (89)
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Anatomia uteri humani gravidi : tabulis illustrata = the anatomy of the human gravid uterus exhibited in figures / auctore Gulielmo Hunter = William Hunter.
Hunter, William, 1718-1783.Date: 1851- Ephemera
- Online
These are to certify that ... hath ... attended ... courses of my anatomical and chirurgical lectures : London ... 17... / William Hunter.
Hunter, William, 1718-1783.Date: 1755- Books
The printed books in the Library of the Hunterian museum in the University of Glasgow / a catalogue prepared by Mungo Ferguson ... with a topographical index by David Baird Smith.
Hunterian Museum (University of Glasgow). Library.Date: 1930- Pictures
- Online
Dissection of the pregnant uterus, showing the foetus at nine months. Copperplate engraving by R. Strange after I.V. Rymsdyk, 1774, reprinted 1851.
Rymsdyk, Jan van, active 1750-1788.Date: [1851]Reference: 579806iPart of: Anatomia uteri humani gravidi.- Pictures
- Online
Dissection of the pregnant uterus at five months, showing the placenta and the cervix, in relation to the bladder and urethra. Copperplate engraving by P.C. Canot after J.V. Rymsdyk, 1774, reprinted 1851.
Rymsdyk, Jan van, active 1750-1788.Date: [1851]Reference: 579874iPart of: Anatomia uteri humani gravidi.