Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-1648
By this person (9)
About this person (1)
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Mikrokosmographia : A description of the body of man. Together vvith the controversies and figures thereto belonging. / Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gaspar Bauhinus, and Andreas Laurentius. By Helkiah Crooke doctor in physicke, phisitian to His Majesty, and His Highnesse professor in anatomy and chirurgery. ; Published by the kings maiesties especiall direction and warrant, according to the first integrity, as it was originally written by the author.
Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-1648Date: 1618..- Books
Three and fifty instruments of chirurgery / [Ambroise Paré].
Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590.Date: [1969]- Books
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Sōmatographia anthrōpinē. Or, A description of the body of man : By artificiall figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profite those who are addicted to this study. By W.I. printer.
Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-1648Date: 1616- Books
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Sōmatographia anthrōpinē. Or A description of the body of man : With the practise of chirurgery, and the use of three and fifty instruments. By artificiall figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profit those who are addicted to this study.
Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-1648Date: 1634- Books
- Online
Mikrokosmographia : A description of the body of man. Together vvith the controuersies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius. By Helkiah Crooke Doctor of Physicke. Published by the Kings Maiesties especiall direction and warrant according to the first integrity, as it was originally written by the author.
Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-1648Date: 1631