Mondino dei Luzzi, -1326
By this person (28)
About this person (8)
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A male nude with the parts of the abdomen and thorax labelled. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26656i- Books
Anatomia Mundini, ad vetustissimorum, erundemque [sic] aliquot manu scriptorum, codicum fidem collata, justoque suo ordini restituta / Per Joannem Dryandrum.
Mondino dei Luzzi, -1326Date: 1541- Pictures
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A male nude with the parts of the abdomen and thorax labelled. Process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26688i- Pictures
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An anatomist making an incision from the neck through the upper ribs of a skeletal cadaver. He stands behind the cadaver, his right hand cutting with a large blade while his left arm comes round the cadaver's neck as he uses his left hand to pull back the ribs at the incision. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26665i- Books
Diui Mesue et noua quedam vltra ea que secum associari co[n]sueueru[n]t opera : preclarissima vt inferius speculanti sub manus indicio demo[n]stratur.
Pseudo-Mesuë.Date: Anno 1538 mense Januario