Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675
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About this person (58)
- Books
Thomas Willis's Oxford lectures / [translated and edited] by Kenneth Dewhurst.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675.Date: [1980], ©1980- Books
- Online
Diatribae duae medico-philosophicae : quarum prior agit de fermentatione, sive, de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore; altera, de febribus, sive, de motu earundem in sanguine animalium. His accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. / Studio Thomae Willis, ex Aede Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima academia naturalis philosophiae professoris sidleiani.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675Date: MDCLXXVII. [1677]- Books
- Online
Opera omnia. Nitidius, quam unquam hactenus edita, plurimum emendata, indicibus rerum copiosissimis, ac distinctione characterum exornata / Studio et opera Gerardi Blasii.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675.Date: 1682- Books
- Online
Pharmaceutice rationalis: or, An exercitation of the operations of medicines in humane bodies : Shewing the signs, causes, and cures of most distempers incident thereunto. : In two parts. : As also a treatise of the scurvy and the several sorts thereof, with their symptoms, causes, and cure. / By Tho. Willis.
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675Date: 1679- Books
- Online
Experiments and observations upon oriental and other bezoar-stones, which prove them to be of no use in physick. Gascoin's powder, distinctly examin'd in its seven ingredients, censur'd and found imperfect : dedicated to the Royal Society to which is annex'd, a vindication of sugars against the charge of Dr. Willis, other physicians, and common prejudices dedicated to the ladies. Together with further discoveries and remarks / By Frederick Slare.
Slare, Frederick, 1646 or 1647-1727.Date: 1715