2,082 results filtered with: Caricatures
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The republican solidarity of Joseph Priestley and Thomas Paine; indicated by the grinning devil that links them. Etching by I. Cruikshank, 1792.
Cruikshank, Isaac, 1764-1811Date: 15 November 1792Reference: 10781i- Pictures
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A doctor who writes books of sexual advice talking to his cynical publisher. Coloured lithograph, 1852.
Date: [1852?]Reference: 563205iPart of: Morality of modern medicine-mongers. Dedicated to the husbands, fathers, and brothers, of England, and also to the societies for the prevention of vice- Pictures
Ralph Allen making a speech to the Corporation of Bath. Etching by W. Hibbart, 1763.
Hibbart, William, 1725-1808.Date: [28 May] 1763Reference: 12164i- Pictures
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The First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Minto, is thrown overboard by Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston and Lord Duncannon during a storm. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
Doyle, John, 1797-1868.Date: 21 July 1838Reference: 36805iPart of: HB sketches- Pictures
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Five aged doctors crushed together in consultation. Coloured lithograph by F-S. Delpech after L. Boilly, c. 1823.
Boilly, Louis, 1761-1845.Date: [1823]Reference: 16314iPart of: Grimaces- Pictures
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Four Georgian gentlemen at their club seriously engaged in smoking. Stipple print by H. Bunbury, c. 1794.
Date: 1794Reference: 24851i- Pictures
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An English rural apothecary's shop in which women apothecaries produce eye-lotion from their own urine. Watercolour by Thomas Rowlandson, ca. 1800 (?).
Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827.Date: [1800?]Reference: 645283i- Pictures
A procession of officials of the city of London approach the entrance to St James's Palace to present to King George III the petition of the Livery of London. Engraving, 1769.
Date: [July 5 1769]Reference: 584090i- Pictures
Elderly antiquarians examining a chamber pot purported to be Boadicea's. Etching by F. Grose.
Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791.Date: [1788]Reference: 747986i- Pictures
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A dove has made its nest in the barrel of a disused gun on the Kiel Canal, while German sailors guarding the canal neglect their duties. Drawing by A.G. Racey, 191-.
Racey, A. G. (Arthur George), 1870-1941.Date: 1910-1919Reference: 571971i- Pictures
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Six men appear puzzled and have their hands raised to their faces. Woodcut and letterpress.
Date: [1720?]Reference: 31516iPart of: Groote tafereel der dwaasheid.- Pictures
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A gaunt adolescent consults a weary specialist. Colour process print after C. Josef, c. 1930.
Josef, Carl, 1877-Reference: 17878i- Pictures
Gustave Mesureur. Colour process print after H. Whish, 1913.
Whish, Harry.Date: 1913Reference: 568408i- Pictures
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A prison chaplain (Henry Labouchère) is visiting the journalist Edmund Yates in prison. Colour lithograph by Judd & Co. after Tom Merry, 3 May 1884.
Merry, Tom, 1852-1902.Date: 3 May 1884Reference: 564622i- Pictures
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Two chimney sweeps, one of them is feeling ill and taking medicine. Coloured lithograph.
Reference: 11879i- Pictures
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Animals wearing human clothes play sounds and sing from a score open on a table, while others attending dance; represesenting musical soirées held by Teresa Cornelys. Mezzotint after E. van Heemskerck.
Heemskerck, Egbert, active approximately 1700-1744.Date: April 20 1771Reference: 33827i- Pictures
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Daniel O'Connell drives a coach containing cheering schoolboy politicians that departs from the "Victoria Establishment". Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1840.
Doyle, John, 1797-1868.Date: 11 August 1840Reference: 37069iPart of: HB sketches- Pictures
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Members of an English country club gathered together in a room, some are talking, others drinking, and food is being brought in on trays. Stipple engraving after H.W. Bunbury.
Bunbury, Henry William, 1750-1811.Date: 1788Reference: 35086i- Pictures
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The Italian social fabric symbolised by a chain of social types, with all relations of dependence ultimately relating back to the devil. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, 1691.
Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria, 1634-1718.Date: 1691Reference: 17932i- Pictures
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The heads of women are reforged in a workshop by the sea; representing a brutal cure for the 'madness' of women. Line engraving by F. Campion, 1663.
Date: [1663]Reference: 18171i- Pictures
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A gynaecological physician seducing a patient. Colour lithograph, 1852.
Date: [1852?]Reference: 563243iPart of: Morality of modern medicine-mongers. Dedicated to the husbands, fathers, and brothers, of England, and also to the societies for the prevention of vice- Pictures
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Bagnigge Wells, London: a family group, the Dumplings, on a day out. Mezzotint.
Reference: 38743i- Pictures
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A man tying a woman's absurdly high wig on to a scaffolding; another woman wearing a tall heart-shaped wig looks on. Coloured etching attributed to M. Rapine.
Rapine, Maximilien, 1840-1905.Reference: 31745i- Pictures
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A man skating on a frozen lake while wearing a crinoline cage for protection. Wood engraving, ca. 1856.
Date: 1856Reference: 35219i- Pictures
Robert Peel as a tinker cries up his wares, including the reintroduction of income tax; Queen Victoria commends them to Prince Albert, but the Duke of Wellington complains about his rival. Lithograph ca. 1842.
Date: [1842?]Reference: 584092iPart of: Political hits